Thursday, April 2, 2015

How does food serve me?

I'm not used to thinking "Does this serve me? How does this serve me?".  I'm used to focusing on how i can serve others.  It feels selfish to ask for things to serve me.

I'm giving myself some previews of the Sacred Feminine Intensive before i dive into it full on.  I'm waiting for a few more items for my altar and know that the early mornings will take some adjustment, so i'm giving my body some time to do that.  Last night i watched another of the videos, this one on eating during the process.

My issues around food are... complex.  I binge, often in secret.  I tend to match the eating habits of the person I'm with.  This is particularly not healthy when it is my husband - with 120 lbs on me and a distaste for veggies.  I also need to factor in time and laziness, as both impact what i eat.  I have a total sweet tooth.

These habits don't serve me.  Eating too much feels good for a little bit - the high of sugar and carbs! but i regret it the next day on the scale.  I know that my eating habits place me at higher risk for health problems.  I've experienced cutting out junk and while i didn't feel some spiritual clarity like others speak of, it did reduce my cravings for more junk.

Namaste suggests eating a mostly plant based diet during the intensive and minimizing processed foods.  Eating for life & abundance.  Since one of the habits i'm working on is meal planning, i feel like this is an opportunity to improve my health & food choices to more mindful ones.

I threw out the half container of grapefruit juice, thanking it for the reminder that i enjoy grapefruit, but acknowledging i don't need the sugar.  I threw out the bag of jelly beans, thanking them for indulging my sweet tooth, but i don't need the artificial colors and flavors.

Today's snack (pistachios), lunch (salad) and breakfast (smoothie)
I packed up my breakfast, lunch & a snack this morning and asked how these foods served me.  I noted that much of it was raw.  Everything would taste good.  It was full of vitamins and nutrients.  My smoothie has me still sated at 11:30 am.  This is healthy fuel.

I will have beef and dairy with dinner tonight, but on a bed of veggies rather than on a roll, and with a sweet potato rather than fries.  I need protein and calcium as the baby grows, but i can make good choices about it.  I can put intention into the foods i make.  

I will need to keep asking how my food choices serve me, and acknowledge sometimes i will eat things that do not serve my physical self, but give me pleasure.  Certainly 2 meals does not mean the end of a journey! 

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